Ellora Buddhisht Caves,nashik.


Ellora caves maharashtra

☸️"Trirashmi buddhisht caves"

 [Address: country-india,state-maharashtra

                   City nashik,pincode-422010]

Namo buddhay🙏☸️

🔎Thise buddhisht caves is made on the trirashmi mountain in nashik,mahrashtra. On thise mountain we found pali language inscripture(Tirunbhabbhattebhikku-sangham-leniam-danam) and thise pali language scripture say that the first sun rise of the day was drope on thise trirashmi mountain,and thise trirashmi mountain was give for buddhisht caves!

There are 24 buddhisht caves on thise trirashmi mountain #nashik .thise caves made at the time of 2nd century b.c to 4th century a.d.  by satwahan and kshatrap buddhisht kings and some soldiers,farmers,merchants,buddhisht monks,yawan also help to make thise budhisht caves.

🔵6number buddhisht cave= in thise cave their are some pali language inscriptures,thise inscripture say about merchant thise merchant gives dhammdan(help to buddhism) to buddhisht sangh.

🔵8number buddhisht cave = in thise cave two pali language inscripture ,thise inscripture say abot koliagan mughudwasa ,thise koliagan help to made thise 8th number buddhisht cave.

🔵10th number buddhisht cave = Thise buddhisht cave know by the name of nahafana. Thise is 2nd largest buddhisht vihar on thise trirashmi mountain.their have six pali language inscripture of nahafana family,and thise inscripture made by veddica design. Thise cave constructiom was compleet at the time of  Satkarni son  king pulwami goverenance of 18 years!

And thise pali language inscription say that ,at the time of 1century b.c. the western kshastrak empire beat satwahan empire and win,and next kashatrak king nahapana empire commander ushawddat give 3thousand golden dollers  for food and clothes of buddhisht monks ,and also the wife of ushawadat know by the name of dakshimetya she also give one cave for buddhisht monks.

🔵18 number buddhisht cave = Thise is chaitya design cave. There have three inscriptions(shilalekh),on the 1st inscription the hukasirica word give information about yawans , 2nd inscription gives information about the design on entry doars of caves, that thise design made by nashik dambika village peoples, and 3rd inscription say about veddica.

🔵19 number buddhisht cave =thise cave called by the name of kannvihar ,their have total six kaksh(rooms) ,we see two karnaabhushit  doars,and veddica pattern design in thise cave. Thise is small buddhvihar on thise trirashmi mountain.

🔵20 number buddhisht caves = thise caves know by the name of  yadnya vihar. Thise is big buddha vihar ,and first thise vihar is 40feet deep ,and after some time  thise height maintain by some buddhisht people by the information on this cave wall, in thise cave 8 kaksh(rooms) at two sides.

🔵23 and 24 number buddhisht caves= Thise caves are most beutifull,in thise cave we see the statue of buddha and some beutifull inscriptions of buddhism,in the 24th cave their are some pali language inscription thise inscriptions say about gufica name person thise person made thise inscription for buddhism.

⚫Their are all information,inscription in thise caves are in pali language ,and we all know thise pali language used in buddhism in ancient time ,thise is all buddhisht caves. On the information in thise caves we found that thise caves are know by the name of trirashmi buddhisht caves.

